Monday, 11 October 2010

richard maccormac - urban design in action - spitalfields

notes taken from a slide and audio presentation by richard maccormac:

- 1960's office block was a symbol of the failure of architecture and urbanism.

- cities are mechanisms which reconcile public and private interest.

- palladio's tietro olympico stage set, city street. italian audience saw the city as the proper place for life to be played out.

- foreign transactions - functions which occur inside buildings which don't relate to the locality. i.e. banking, churches, offices, factories

- local transactions - functions which occur inside and in-

between buildings which do relate to the locality. i.e. street markets, shops, housing, pubs, small businesses.

- example: goom store, moscow

- how can we reconcile foreign transactions with local transactions?

- colloseum theatre, london, 19th century

- theatee buried within the block as the activity is an introverted one, with shops on the street edge and housing above.


- high density block (4or5 to 1)

- corresponding scale on either side of the street, reconcilable activities (local transactions).

- galleria within is a hinterland of other functions like banking, offices (foreign transactions).

- larger activities have a primary effect on the ec

onomy of the area.

- mixture of foreign and local transac

tions already existing around the site.

- treating the market [site] as an old rug and the architect was to weave together the area/strands, re-creating the patch.

- height constraints given by local planning authority.

- constraints determined the volumetric disposition of the development.

- fringe of the site mediates between the surrounding area and the core of the development.

- experience walking through the site would be one of continuity and there would be degrees of change in scale, activity and atmosphere.

site use diagram

north - housing mixed with shops

east - theatre with shops

south - shops under small scale buildings and under the larger office core

west - station

- try to reconcile scale and use through using buildings as mediating elements.

typical floor plans

- accommodate large office floor plates .

- to decompose large floor plates as they rise above 15m a series of setbacks were introduced to transform large floor plates in to towers.

- planning grid of 7.5m.

- gateway to reveal the institution within.

- intriduction of various architects to the overall scheme.

- designs will have to be reciprocal with one another, share the same intentions and same language.

- the scheme accepts capital investment and uses it to direct those forces to making places that people are going to enjoy.

Image from AJ, April 1990

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